How to buy pearls and how to choose your pearls?

Purchasing pearls is not an everyday affair and is almost always an act of love---either love for someone special in your life or simply out of love for the beauty of one of the world’s most exquisite natural wonders—and it is something that is best done with care.  As there is a bewildering variety of pearl types and a broad range of quality, it is best to gain at least a basic knowledge of what pearls are all about before a purchase.  In addition to gaining useful knowledge in how to judge pearl quality, delving into some fascinating details of how pearls are cultivated in their natural environment is more exciting than most people anticipate when they start their purchasing adventure. 

For those who wish to delve deeper into the fascinating world of pearl cultivation, as well as their types and origins, DawnRose Pearls has prepared one of the most comprehensive overviews you can find online, including some details about Industrial Processes that are often not covered elsewhere. For more information about choosing pearls for special occasions, our Special Occasion section will guide you in choosing what is usually considered most appropriate.

In addition to a brief overview that generally characterize each type of pearl, this section serves as quick, useful guide on how you might want to choose pearls in regards to pearl types, skin color, the shape of one’s face and the clothing with which they might be worn. 

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DawnRose Pearls Ltd.
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